#Aquarius Ascendant कुम्भ लग्न
For Aquarius lagna, the #Moon, #Mars and #Jupiter are evil, only #Venus is auspicious. Mars produces #RajYoga, when gets related to Venus. Jupiter and Mars kill when endowed with Maraka powers. Thus, one should guess the results for Aquarius lagna native.
Jupiter is inauspicious because he owns the 2nd house (Maraka) and 11th house. If he acquires killing powers to a great extent, then he would surely be the killer.
Mars owns the 10th house and as natural malefic owning a Kendra leaves his maleficence and becomes neutral. Again by owning the 3rd house, he becomes inauspicious.
Venus owns the 4th house (Kendra) hence neutral. Venus also owns the 9th house (Trikona) and becomes auspicious. Thus, Venus becomes single lord of a Kendra and Trikona. Hence he is declared #RajYogaKaraka.
#Mercury owns the 8th house therefore he is evil but then he is also the 5th house (Trikona) lord, hence auspicious.
The Moon as the 6th house lord is inauspicious in her #Dasha.
The Sun as the 7th lord turns neutral and #Kendradhipatya Dosha does not occur to him. As a 7th house lord, he is essentially a Maraka, but not endowed with as much Maraka powers as a natural benefic like Jupiter or Venus owns.
#Saturn as the Lagna and 12th house lord gives results only as the Lagna Lord. Saturn placed in the 12th house is more a 12th house lord and hence less auspicious.
यह लेख विश्वजीत बब्बल वैदिक काउंसलर के फेसबुक पोस्ट से लिया गया है. वे वास्तु और ज्योतिष की बहुत अच्छी जानकारी रखते हैं. उन्होंने अपनी जानकारी के आधार पर कई लोगों के परेशानिया दूर की है. यह अपने अनुभव को भी समय समय पर लोगों से शेयर करते हैं. आप इनसे सशुल्क परामर्श ले सकते हैं. आप उनसे फेसबुक के द्वारा सम्पर्क कर सकते हैं. इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें.