बुधवार, 5 अगस्त 2020


As per my You tube video prediction of 7 April 2020 the Gold price is constantly rising high and high. It was around 43000 that time and today it is almost 57000. I have predicted the Gold price 70000 anytime within 6 months.

Now some members have requested me to check the price of Silver in future time.
Today the Silver price is 71510.

Now what will be maximum price of Silver till Diwali is my question at this moment.

It is 08.48 am at Ahmedabad today on 6.08.2020. The ruling planets are as under :

Day - Thursday Jupiter
Moon - Sat Rah Moon Merc
Lagna - Sun Venu Merc Ketu

Now see that Ketu is at very key point as sub sub lord. Sun is also Lagna lord. So as per KP table silver will easily enter Ketu zone starting from 84000 price. This price is possible before 12 September 2020.

Now Rahu is present in ruling planets. Rahu is with Venus so Rahu is also the representative of Venus.

This means Silver will sure touch Rahu level of 89000. In short Silver will touch 84000 first and then 89000 anytime before Diwali .

My this exercise is just my experiment with KP ruling planets so please don't take any risk to invest money in Silver just because of my prediction. I may be wrong. Just enjoy astrology !!!

Ashwin Rawal 06.08.2020

सोमवार, 3 अगस्त 2020


Note down your date of birth. Add 23 years. The new date will be your starting date of running 24th years.
( For example 16.05.1972 plus 23 years. So 16.05.1995. Now from 16.05.1995 to 16.05.1996 will be 24th running age )

24th year is activation of your 12th house. The house of turning point in your life. Also 24 is the combination of 2 and 4 number. And total is 6. 2 is Moon 4 is Rahu and 6 is Venus .

So Moon Venus and Rahu will be active at the age of 24. Moon is change. Moon is journey . Rahu gives unknown environment, new contacts . Rahu is also the planet of foreign country. . Venus has thrilling experience, love, romance , marriage and hopes .

So you will experience such type of events within this year of age. Check your past.
I am giving some indications.

Either you will get new job in this year or

You will be transferred in this year. May be same city or at long distance or

You will go abroad in this year. May be on student Visa or permanent stay or

You will get Visa or PR in this year. May be you go abroad later or

You will make a long journey in the country if not abroad. May be just tour or job or for study

You will marry in this year or your engagement will be in this year or

You will develop some relationship and enjoy love romance if not marriage or

There will be a child birth in your house and you will become father or mother if already married

These all possibility are there. At least one event is sure or sometimes more then one event. Just remember your past and check this year.

Ashwin Rawal 04.08.2020


CoronaVirus has created havoc in China and the world. I had already predicted in my old post written on 27 July 2019 that some new Virus attacking the breathing system will attack the people anytime after 15 December 2019 due to Rahu in Gemini and Solar Eclipse.

This Virus is active after 25 December 2019 when Sun was also in the aspect of Rahu.

When this virus will be in control was the question in my mind and so I am trying to answer this question.

Mars is the only planet who can control Rahu and also Mars is the natural ruler of 6th house.

Mars has killing effect in his 8th aspect and protecting effect in his 4th aspect. From 25 December 2019 Mars supported Rahu by his killing aspect from Scorpio.

When Mars become strong in transit the immune system is strengthened and resistance power is also increased and new medicines are introduced .

Mars will be exalted on 22 March 2020 so to my view some solution may come only after 22 March 2020 and complete control can be only after 19 June 2020 when Mars will be in Pisces and control Rahu by his 4th aspect.

In short some solution only after 22 March and control only after 19 June 2020.

( But before that Sun will be in Shatabhisha naxatra ruled by Rahu between 20 February to 4 March 2020 so this Virus will be somewhat active in other countries too.)

So far India is concerned Rahu is passing through Mars and not connected to Sun or Moon in Independence chart so I don't think this Virus will create any havoc in India.

All we are watching in media is just an imaginary fear. No doubt Govt is taking steps for protection but we should not be this much feared looking to planetary position. Mars is crossing eclipse point now so this much fear in public. But will be OK after 22 March.

Let us pray God to restore health to mankind.

Ashwin Rawal 06.03.2020


Name of Saturn is 'Yamaagraj' means elder brother of Yama. Name of Pluto is Yama. Yama means planet of deaths.

Saturn and Pluto both are the planets who creates deaths in universe . We will take death in a wide angel.

Death means termination. Termination of old systems, death or termination of old traditions , death of old believes, end of old situation old culture and death of huge people on earth.

Start of a new era, start of new traditions , start of new environment , start of new culture , start of new world. A complete transformation we will see in next 16 years from 2020 so long Pluto is in Capricorn .

On 26 December 2019, it was a big eclipse involving 6 planets. Sun Moon Mercury Jupiter and Saturn - all energies were mixed in Sagittarius (the sign of China) created havoc in the world.

Sagittarius is the fiery sign so it was like a blast in the world.

Here comes the role of Pluto . Pluto was also there in Sagittarius very very close to Saturn. And so it was a TANDAVA. Dance of deaths following from this date.

Saturn entered Capricorn on 24 January 2020 and Pluto also entered Capricorn on 8 March 2020 and then after we are watching what is happening in the world today.

Jupiter was also victimised with this 2 planets so he was helpless to give his positive effects. And so finance, economy, jobs, business all suffered .

In this eclipse Rahu Ketu just played the role of ignition to fire. Corona was the poison emerged from this explosion .

In view of the Saturn Pluto close in 2020, I don't think Corona Virus will end from the world on 24 September 2020 but it will be only controlled by some newly researched vaccines .

But this Pluto will create too much transformation in the world. The map of the world will be changed in coming 16 years. China Pakistan like countries will also be broken in 2 or 3 parts.

There will be war between America and Iran and economy of the world will be disturbed . Some proxy war will also be there between India China. But India will be emerged as number 1 country in this 15 years.

Pluto will change complete education system, will change climate pattern , will change complete transport system, will change complete hospital and treatment system, will change complete life system....Yes this is Pluto effect ahead !!!

Ashwin Rawal 03.08.2020

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