सोमवार, 3 अगस्त 2020


CoronaVirus has created havoc in China and the world. I had already predicted in my old post written on 27 July 2019 that some new Virus attacking the breathing system will attack the people anytime after 15 December 2019 due to Rahu in Gemini and Solar Eclipse.

This Virus is active after 25 December 2019 when Sun was also in the aspect of Rahu.

When this virus will be in control was the question in my mind and so I am trying to answer this question.

Mars is the only planet who can control Rahu and also Mars is the natural ruler of 6th house.

Mars has killing effect in his 8th aspect and protecting effect in his 4th aspect. From 25 December 2019 Mars supported Rahu by his killing aspect from Scorpio.

When Mars become strong in transit the immune system is strengthened and resistance power is also increased and new medicines are introduced .

Mars will be exalted on 22 March 2020 so to my view some solution may come only after 22 March 2020 and complete control can be only after 19 June 2020 when Mars will be in Pisces and control Rahu by his 4th aspect.

In short some solution only after 22 March and control only after 19 June 2020.

( But before that Sun will be in Shatabhisha naxatra ruled by Rahu between 20 February to 4 March 2020 so this Virus will be somewhat active in other countries too.)

So far India is concerned Rahu is passing through Mars and not connected to Sun or Moon in Independence chart so I don't think this Virus will create any havoc in India.

All we are watching in media is just an imaginary fear. No doubt Govt is taking steps for protection but we should not be this much feared looking to planetary position. Mars is crossing eclipse point now so this much fear in public. But will be OK after 22 March.

Let us pray God to restore health to mankind.

Ashwin Rawal 06.03.2020

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