गुरुवार, 17 सितंबर 2020



( Shri Amit Shah is admitted in hospital again. So this special post repeated )

Shri Amit Shah was born on 22nd October 1964 at 05.45 hours at Mumbai when Virgo was rising in the east.

Sun 5° Mercury 9° Libra in 2nd

Ketu 2° Sagittarius in 4th

Saturn 5° Aquarius in 6th

Moon 16° Aries in 8th

Jupiter 0° Taurus in 9th

Rahu 2° Gemini in 10th

Mars 28° Cancer in 11th

Venus 25° Leo in 12th

Today I don't want to discuss anything about his political carrier or future prospects. We all know this very well. My concern is his health..

Rahu is crossing his natal exalted Rahu in 10th. So 2019 2020 is his high peak golden period for carrier.

He is running Rahu Moon period till 10 July 2020. Then after he will enter Rahu Mars period till 29 July 2021. Mars is debilitated and lord of 8th house so this period may create blood circulatory problems, breathing problems and also other health problems anytime after 10 July 2020.

Now Mars will enter Aries from 16 August 2020 and oppose his natal Sun till 4 October. From 17 August Sun will also enter in Leo in his 12th house in opposition to natal Saturn. These transits are not good. He must take care and have check up regularly till 4th October 2020 .

To my view time from 15 August to 4 October 2020 is not good for his health and shows some tensions. Astrological science is for precautions and warning. What is stored in the chart always happens.

I humbly request my all readers not to comment anything about this post. We must pray for his fast recovery.

Ashwin Rawal 13.09.2020

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