मंगलवार, 5 जुलाई 2022

#Birth Date 5th (not 14th or 23rd)

This indicates that you have a mercurial temperament. You are active and clever at work, but, you do not utilize your full potential. However, once you lose interest, your enthusiasm simply fizzles out and you may become impatient and even careless.

You are able to debate and reason well. You have a keen interest in doing business and are not averse to taking risks. You take fast decisions and complete the work with speed. You will get many opportunities in life and you need to recognize and avail them, if you wish to make progress in life.

Most important, you should not over indulge in anything, and should try to maintain equilibrium. This will help you build your finances and material wealth. You need to appreciate your inner peace and joy and use your freedom in a constructive manner.

On the off side, you are impulsive tend to get excited very quickly. You cannot handle mental stress easily and may get irritated or have a nervous breakdown. However, you also have a good power of recovery and do not stay despondent for long. You cannot keep secrets easily.

It is not easy to change your ways as persuasion does not work with you. You may suffer from mental ailments like epilepsy in your advanced years.

If you don't know your accurate time of birth but date of birth and year is confirmed, you should ask for #numerology readings by Vishwajeet Babbal The Vedic Counselor 🎲 which covers almost every phase of one's life.

यह लेख विश्वजीत बब्बल वैदिक काउंसलर के फेसबुक पोस्ट से लिया गया है. वे वास्तु और ज्योतिष की बहुत अच्छी जानकारी रखते हैं. उन्होंने अपनी जानकारी के आधार पर कई लोगों के परेशानिया दूर की है. यह अपने अनुभव को भी समय समय पर लोगों से शेयर करते हैं. आप इनसे सशुल्क परामर्श ले सकते हैं. आप उनसे फेसबुक के द्वारा सम्पर्क कर सकते हैं. इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें.

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