बुधवार, 15 जुलाई 2020


Any big event in India has always a play of Saturn and Rahu of the Independence chart of India.

Saturn is the 10th lord so whole power of India is controlled by Saturn and also he is the lord of fortune house. Rahu is exact at Lagna degree of this chart so very much vibrant.

So the degrees of these 2 main planets are very much important to create any event in India.

May be the India Pakistan war, India China war , change of power from Congress to BJP.... all events are happened when these degrees were disturbed with transit of Saturn and Rahu.

Now when Uttaranchal, Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh states were formed in November 2000 the transit of Saturn was exact on Rahu of this chart. When Telangana was formed Saturn was squaring natal Saturn of Independence chart.

Again same transit pattern is returning when Rahu comes to Taurus from 24 September 2020 to 12 April 2022. Will there be any movement of bifurcation in UP state ? My intuition says that indications are positive.

If really it happens then when ? As per my calculation such movement will sure be there from September 2021. But implementation may be in January 2022 or by August 2022. Time may differ since there is no any movement now at all but before election 2024 this is for sure.

There may 2 or 3 states from UP and I also see that Delhi and Hariyana states will also be affected partly with these new states.

Ashwin Rawal 15.07.2020

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