We got freedom on 15th August 1947 at 00.00 hours so this Independence chart is the chart of India and its working very correctly as we see the past events.
India is running Moon main Dasha and Saturn sub period between 10 December 2019 to 10 July 2021 and so here India is little bit paralyzed financially . How ?
The Independence chart has Moon Saturn conjunction in the 3rd house. This is called Vish Yoga. So from 10 December 2019 this yoga is activated.
On the top of this Saturn also entered Capricorn on 24 January 2020 and started opposition to natal Sun and Moon of this chart. So Vish Yoga became more active.
Mars also sprayed petrol to this yoga from 22 March 2020 so whole system is affected now.
Capricorn is the 9th house in the Independence chart so a 'Badhak' house for Taurus Lagna. So Saturn sub period is the period of Badhakesh till July 2021.
The solar eclipse of 21 June 2020 was in the 2nd house of finance of this Independence chart so it is really negative for all business and also economy of India .
In my one old post I had already predicted that money crisis and job problems in the country will increase due to this eclipse and debilitated Jupiter .
I am reposting this prediction again below.
" Financial crisis will be increased in the market. Everybody will be affected financially due to Corona Virus.
I foresee job problems in the country and employees shall have to work hard with fix salary in coming days. Hire and Fire policies will be there.
Some private employees may lose their job or their salaries may be reduced at Global level. H1 B policy of US is also likely to be changed "
We now see the above effect in the market. All factories are almost closed and now those who wish to open the factories have problems of labors now. So all industries are affected badly .
This all situation will continue at least till 24 September 2020 so long Rahu is in finance house of the country and also 12th from Moon.
Mars, the lord of 12th house, is at 7 degree Gemini in the Independence chart and Rahu is just crossing this degree in Gemini .
Saturn also is retrograde from 11 May so even lockdown is opened, money crisis and job problems will be there till September end.
So far Corona is concerned, cases are still increasing just due to this Rahu effect and solar eclipse too.
Yes when Sun crosses eclipse point (14 degree) of 26 December 2019 around 30 June 2020, Corona will be in control due to new medicines in market in July 2020.
But since Moon Saturn Dasha is running in India till July 2021, Economical situation in India will remain somewhat constrained .
Ashwin Rawal 24.06.2020
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