गुरुवार, 9 जुलाई 2020


Sometime after living 25 30 years in a house, we need some renovation in our own bunglow, tenament or flat to extend the house or to set more accommodation for increased family members .

When we do this, knowingly or unknowingly we are disturbing the 'Vaastu' of our residence sometimes .

If the start of renovation is done on proper muhurta or we start the destruction work in the proper direction or corner in the house as per Muhurta rule, we are safe.

But generally what happens, we are dependent upon the contractors and labours so can not follow the rules given in our shashtras. Also contractor starts destruction work in any space or corner in the house as per his planning .

So in most cases downfall starts immediately after the renovation is over. We don't notice this immediately but within one year you will see that after renovation, health of some elderly person in the home is affected or passes away. Or someone in family loses job or faces business loss. In short income is reduced in the family living in that house.

I have seen this in so many cases that after renovation of house the the family suffered for a couple of months or years.

So my advise is just don't start the renovation as per your convenient time but stick to Muhurta rules given in our shashtras and also see that Vaastu dosha is not created after changing the house design . I am giving some guidelines for this

Renovation should never be started when Sun is in Gemini Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces like dual Signs .

Also it should be avoided in Chaitra, Jyeshtha, Bhadrapad and Ashwin months. Lunar tithis like 1st, 4th, 8th, 9th, 14th and amavasya should be avoided.

When Moon is with Saturn or in opposition to Saturn renovation should not be started on that day. When Mars is in Cancer sign then also renovation should be avoided. And Jwalamukhi yoga should always be avoided.

There are so many rules in our Muhurta shashtra. All are not possible to follow but above given guidelines is enough . You should consult some expert to select the date before starting the renovation work.

Ashwin Rawal 30.06.2020

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