Every female has the earnest desire to get motherhood or have a child in her laps after marriage. Every couple wants to enjoy 1 or 2 years without a child but after 2 years, parents are worried and they desire pregnancy. When 3 years passes without pregnancy then female herself is more worried about conception. Here starts medical check up and all treatments.
If scorpio or 8th house is afflicted with the malefic planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu then sperm count is low and motility is also weak in the male sperm report. If scorpio or 8th house is afflicted in the female chart then there is a problem with fallopian tubes or follicles problems in the ovaries. Remember only one malefic planet will not harm much but two malefics do affect. Ketu plays major role.
After some treatment if there is no result then Doctor advises for IVF or IN VITRO FERTILISATION.
What is IVF and how it is done ? Let us understand first.
Before IVF procedure the uterus is checked through Microscope to check the condition of ovaries and growth of follicles. Also the inside wall of the uterus. If follicles are not developed then hormones injection is given. If everything is ok then eggs are taken from follicles through catheter. The eggs and few drops of sperm are processed in a glass tube called Vitro. This is a micro process and done in special laboratory at a very low temperature.
After few days when embryo is ready it is planted in the Uterus again. Thats it.
The whole procedure is very costly. It costs One lac to 2 lac. If the fertilisation is not done in Vitro and fails then this huge money will be wasted and again new IVF date will be given by Doctors.
Here comes the Astrology. Every female has certain fertile days in a month. Now we have to take the help of astrological science and choose the most fertile day. For this we have to refer the rules and watch the transit of Moon. We will decide this from the female chart
The Menstrual Cycle ( MC ) is a hormones play run by Mars and Moon in a female chart. Whether it is painful flow, much flow or scanty flow is decided by one's own chart. Scorpio sign controls ovaries fallopian tubes and inner Uterus. Benefic or malefic effect on this Sign decides progeny.
Conception fully depends upon the date of first drop of MC. All cycles are not fertile. Transitory planets decides pregnancy.
The rule is - At the time of MC starts, Moon in transit should not be in 3rd 6th 10th or 11th Sign from the natal Moon of the female and also should be aspected by transiting Mars. If this condition is fulfilled when MC starts, the whole month is fertile and then and then only IVF will work. Now leave 6 days starting from the date of MC. From 6th day to 23rd day we have to watch the transit of Moon again.
Within this time frame of 18 most fertile days, we have to watch when Moon is with transiting Jupiter or in aspect of transiting Jupiter. We will find 6 to 7 such days of Moon Jupiter connection which are most most fertile and so we can use those dates for IVF or natural conception.
Also before deciding the IVF month we have to check the position of the planets after 9 months in the chart of husband and wife and confirm whether hereditary planets are repeated in the child or not. Because a child is born with the support of parents chart so certain combinations will be common in the child.
I have guided so many couples in past who had no child even after 6 7 years marriage and got result through natural conception and also through IVF by just following perfect time schedule as per both charts and applying above rules.
Astrology is a great science like medical science but no research work is done on progeny matters.
Ashwin Rawal 24.10.2018
यह रिसर्च हमारे ज्योतिषी आश्विन रावल जी है. जो सशुल्क आपकी समस्या का समाधान कुंडली देखकर करते हैं. शादी, नौकरी, परिवारिक समस्या आदि परेशानियों का जबाब यह आपको दिन महीने और वर्ष के साथ समस्या का हल करके बताते हैं. उनको ज्योतिष का ४० वर्षों से ज्यादा अनुभव हैं. आप उनसे ऊपर दिए गये नम्बर पर whatsApp करके सशुल्क परामर्श ले सकते हैं. इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें. यह मेटर कॉपीराइट है आश्विन रावल जी का.