गुरुवार, 6 सितंबर 2018


यह रिसर्च हमारे ज्योतिषी आश्विन रावल जी है. जो सशुल्क आपकी समस्या का समाधान कुंडली देखकर करते हैं. शादी, नौकरी, परिवारिक समस्या आदि परेशानियों का जबाब यह आपको दिन महीने और वर्ष के साथ समस्या का हल करके बताते हैं.  उनको ज्योतिष का ४० वर्षों से ज्यादा अनुभव हैं. आप उनसे ऊपर दिए गये नम्बर पर whatsApp करके सशुल्क परामर्श ले सकते हैं.  इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें.  यह मेटर कॉपीराइट है आश्विन रावल जी का.

The main idea or the inspiration of this write up is from PVR Narsimha Rao's one old post for which I am grateful to him and credit goes to him. I have added some from my own experiences. Read this post very carefully to understand )

Do you know ? There is one Shloka or verse in the VISHNU SAHASRA NAM STOTRAM.

वनमाली गदा श्रंगी शंखी चक्री च नंदकी,
श्रीमान नारायणो विष्णु वासुदेव अभिरक्षतु .

This is the last 108th Shloka and it is the best for our protection from accidents in Journey by Car or Plane or by any vehicle. This Shloka is to be recited 12 times before we start our own vehicle or start of public vehicle. Also this Shloka can be recited mentally during the journey.

To remove the debt and to improve the financial condition or even to get Job, VISHNU SAHASRA NAM STOTRAM is the best to be recited once or thrice daily. Also one Shloka
(श्रीदः श्रीशः श्रीनिवासः श्रीनिधि श्रीविभावनः
श्रीधरः श्रीकरः श्रेयः श्रीमान लोकत्रयाश्रयः)
is to be recited 108 times daily. This Stotram has much power to fulfil our all kind of desires. Each and every Shloka has different power.

Reciting VISHNU SAHASRANAM STOTRAM is the best worship for Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna in Hindu Dharma and it is from Mahabharat, the great Epic of India.

Many scholars, Priests and religious Gurus teach chanting ONE Shloka of Vishnu sahasrana nama stotram repeatedly, based on one's birth navamsha. The 108 Shlokas (starting from " विश्वं विष्णुः वषट्कारः " and ending in "वनमाली गदा... ") are linked to 108 navamsha of the birth chart.

Counting should start from SRAVANA nakshatra owned by Lord Vishnu and NOT from Ashwini nakshatra.

So 1st "विश्वं विष्णुः वषट्कारः " Shloka is for Sravana 1st pada or Aries navamsha in Capricorn Sign . " पूतात्मा परमात्मा च " Shloka is for Taurus navamsha in Sravana 2nd pada or Taurus navamsha in Capricorn and like.

The 108th Shloka ("वनमाली गदा श्रंगी शंखी ) is for Uttarashadha 4th pada or Pisces navamsha in Capricorn Sign.

For example, One is born with Moon in Ashwini 3rd pada means in Gemini navamsha in Aries. We count from Aries Navamsha which is the first navamsha in Sravana. So 4 navamsha of Sravana, 4 of Dhanishta, 4 of Shatabhisha, 4 of Purva Bhadrapada, 4 of Uttara Bhadrapada, 4 of Revati and 2 of Ashwini. So total 26 navamsha we have to cross and 27th Navamsha will be Moon navamsha .

So the 27th Shloka is to be chanted repeatedly for those who have Moon in Aries Sign and Gemini Navamsha. 27th Shloka (i.e. असंख्येय अप्रमेयात्मा ) will be best mantra for them to prosper in life and to get wealth from Lord Vishnu !!

Your Moon has the strong link between your past life and present life so Moon's placement in the chart has much importance in one's life. Moon if pleased can bestow health wealth and fulfill every worldly desire.

Same way if you are running Rahu main period or sub period and you are facing problems or if Rahu or Saturn are negative in transit in 8th or 12th house or over Moon then to control the negativity of Saturn or Rahu, start chanting Shloka of the navamsha where Saturn or Rahu is placed in your birth chart.

For example if Saturn is in Leo 11 degree in Cancer navamsha in birth chart then this navamsha is 64th navamsha counting from Capricorn Aries navamsha. So 64th shloka. Same way Rahu is at 6 degree Aries in Taurus navamsha so 26th navamsha will be of Rahu so 26th Shloka will remove Rahu dosha.

Either recite this verse 108 time daily or if you can spare more time then give Samput of this Shloka to each 108 shlokas of VISHNU SAHASRA NAM STOTRAM.

Every Shloka or verse of this STOTRAM is like a divine mantra. Test it to solve your finance problems, Job problems and to protect yourself from accidents in journey.

In continuation of my post on VISHNU SAHASRA NAM STOTRAM, So many members are confused to count their Navamsha to decide which shloka to be chanted. So for ready reference I am giving the complete list of 108 Navamsha with 108 Shloka number. They may choose the shloka number as per Moon navamsha for daily recitation and Saturn Rahu Navamsha position for Negative period.

Name of (Sign) and Navamsha Shloka
(Capricorn) Aries to Virgo 1 to 6
(Aquarius ) Libra to Gemini 7 to 15
( Pisces ) Cancer to Pisces 16 to 24
( Aries ) Aries to Sagittarius 25 to 33
( Taurus ) Capri to Virgo 34 to 42
( Gemini ) Libra to Gemini 43 to 51
( Cancer ) Cancer to Pisces 52 to 60
( Leo ) Aries to Sagittarius 61 to 69
(Virgo ) Capri to Virgo 70 to 78
(Libra ) Libra to Gemini 79 to 87
(Scorpio ) Cancer to Pisces 88 to 96
(Sagittarius) Aries to Sagittar 97 to 105
(Capricorn) Capri to Pisces 106 to 108

I hope now you can select appropriate Shloka just by knowing your Navamsha.

Ashwin Rawal Ekadashi 06.09.2018

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