यह रिसर्च हमारे ज्योतिषी आश्विन रावल जी है. जो सशुल्क आपकी समस्या का समाधान कुंडली देखकर करते हैं. शादी, नौकरी, परिवारिक समस्या आदि परेशानियों का जबाब यह आपको दिन महीने और वर्ष के साथ समस्या का हल करके बताते हैं. उनको ज्योतिष का ४० वर्षों से ज्यादा अनुभव हैं. आप उनसे ऊपर दिए गये नम्बर पर whatsApp करके सशुल्क परामर्श ले सकते हैं. इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें. यह मेटर कॉपीराइट है आश्विन रावल जी का.
We know that the Natural Zodiac is divided into 12 Signs and each Sign is allotted certain departments of life. All our relations on the earth are also allotted to different Signs and different bhavas. For example Lagna and Aries is Self, 2nd house and Taurus family, 3rd house and Gemini younger brothers and sisters, 4th house and Cancer mother, 5th house and Leo child and like .
The same way 7th house and Libra Sign has been allotted One's life partner or spouse, There are also other matters like fame, open enemy, contracts, success in business (10th from 10th) etc but we will focus on marriage only. 7th house and Libra denotes life partner, marrital happiness, bonding to each other and also sexual desires urge and organism.
Now let us divert to Saturn. As we know that Saturn is the planet of celibacy, penance, renunciation, yoga and spiritual journey. He hates sensual pleasure, love, romance, married life and worldly enjoyments. He is the planet of separation. He is the planet of contraction and shrinking. A completely dry planet.
Libra is a Sign of love, emotions, attraction, feelings, romance, sensual pleasure, music, dance, acting, beauty and like. So also Venus, the lord of Libra.
When Saturn like dry and malefic planet occupy Libra Sign for 2 and half years in transit, he dries and shrinks all the worldly pleasures connected to that Sign. This is the exaltation Sign for Saturn so he is more powerful in this Sign and his nature is in strong form here.
Libra Saturn people are best administrators, very smart and intelligent too. They reach at the top in whatever field they are interested in. They are master in finance, technology, share and stock market and also interested in politics. They are somewhat strong-headed, diplomatic and dominating too. They have their weight in the family and society. ( Especially those who have Taurus Gemini Virgo Libra Capricorn and Aquarius Lagna with Libra Saturn are more successful in their life. )
But our concern is married life here. So those born with Saturn in Libra do not like to marry at early age. They are more carrier oriented. After certain age they do not find proper proposals so marriage is delayed. Same is the case with Venus Saturn relations.
If Venus is with Saturn or Venus Saturn are in opposition to each other then also no marriage at proper age and marriage is extremely delayed. I have collected datas and found that most of Libra Saturn and Venus Saturn are unmarried for longer durations and some have taken divorce or are separated or at least married life is a bit compromise.
Saturn was in Libra between 6 October 1982 to 21 December 1984. So most of 1983 1984 born are Libra Saturn. The same way Saturn was in Libra between 21 September 1953 to 12 November 1955. So most of 1954 1955 are also Libra Saturn people.
This is the reason that 1983 1984 born guys are still searching a good proposal for marriage and they are in Que.
I will add here that not all 1983 1984 born are unmarried today. There are other reasons may be present for early marriage if any, but Saturn's influence on Libra or Venus has always a delay element in marriage.
Ashwin Rawal 04.09.2018
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