These are often questions which come before one’s mind while buying vehicles. Amateur numerologists often make serious mistakes while advising favourable numbers for cars of clients by suggesting their birth number or addition of their full birth date as a lucky number.
There couldn’t be something more fallacious than suggesting one’s birth or destiny numbers as one’s lucky number though it is true that these numbers do repeat in one’s life on their own at regular intervals, they are merely eventful numbers. It is important to consider the following factors while buying a new vehicle.
Many times it has been seen that number 9 has been preferred as a lucky number. But on the contrary most number of accidents take place on vehicles that add to a 8 and 9. Only if Mars which rule number 9 is strongly placed and not afflicted in the chart one should choose number 9. And a very important point I wish to make here is that 18, 27,36,45 etc are not number 9, but higher octaves of 9 and all these give different effects and 18 number or numbers that add to 18 have a pronounced ‘accident effect’ and everyone cannot carry of this vibration, since the 9 here is formed by Sun(1) and Saturn(8). Number 44 is not only double Rahu but 8 also makes Saturn, so it is not good. Suppose my date of birth is 28.10.1975, an amateur numerologist would suggest that my lucky number is 1, but this would in fact give me adverse results as Sun which rules number 1 would be debilitated 4 and 8 numbers should not be taken in a number together as they are a cause of accidents. Numbers that add to a 8 are seen to consume more petrol, so these may be avoided unless Saturn and Venus are well placed in 4th, 9th or 10th house.
Number 4 is of Rahu and Number 7 of Ketu so it may be avoided. If one’s Sun is exalted or strong, he must not buy dark blue and black colours. If Venus is good, then gray and off white colour may be taken. If you have to buy cars which are not your lucky colour then you must cover the aggressive numbers and the number plate with the proper colour to minimize the evil effects. Be very careful when you use numbers like 4444 (12) , 8888, 1111 or 2222 as these are strong numbers since in the kabala number 12 is of grief and suffering and even double digits like 11, 12 and 16 can bring bad luck, unless otherwise indicated in the chart.
यह लेख विश्वजीत बब्बल वैदिक काउंसलर के फेसबुक पोस्ट से लिया गया है. वे वास्तु और ज्योतिष की बहुत अच्छी जानकारी रखते हैं. उन्होंने अपनी जानकारी के आधार पर कई लोगों के परेशानिया दूर की है. यह अपने अनुभव को भी समय समय पर लोगों से शेयर करते हैं. आप इनसे सशुल्क परामर्श ले. सकते हैं. आप उनसे फेसबुक के द्वारा सम्पर्क कर सकते हैं. इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें.
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