बुधवार, 26 सितंबर 2018


SATURN is the planet of bones and skeleton. He is also the planet of Lubrication in the joints. All ageing process in our body starts after the Signature of Saturn. He is the planet of limitation and contraction so he limits our movement from the age of 49 56 or 63 and walking problems are created by Saturn. Free movement is restricted by Saturn.
Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius so Knee and legs are directly under the control of Saturn. When in the birth chart if SATURN is seated in Lagna or in 11th house, or if Capricorn/Aquarius is rising, Saturn affects walking at the above cited ages. May be sciatica nerve pain, may be slip disc problems or may be knee pain problems but walking is disturbed and if knee is more damaged knee replacement operations take place in the life of such natives.
It is also seen that when Capricorn is in 6 8 or 12th house knee is sure affected at certain age so Gemini, Leo and Aquarius Lagna or SATURN in Gemini Leo or Aquarius Sign also have knee problems or walking problems at certain age.
I have collected total 25 datas of the patients who have either knee problems, or problems in walking due to bulging of discs, claudication in the legs, numbness, stiffness, elephantiasis or parkinson's disease. The classification is as under :
Knee replacements ## 4 cases Libra lagna with Saturn__ 2 Cases Sagittarius lagna with Saturn__ 3 cases Leo lagna with Saturn__ 2 cases Libra Lagna with Saturn in Leo in 11th. ( These were the patients of knee problems and knee replaced )
Knee problems ## 2 cases Libra lagna with Saturn__ 1 case Sagittarius lagna with Saturn__ 2 cases Gemini lagna with Saturn__ 1 case Libra lagna with Saturn in Leo in 11th. ( These are the patients of knee problems but operation not decided )
Walking problems ## ( due to nerve damage, due to slip disc, due to claudication, due to elephantiasis, due to parkinson's disease etc) 3 cases Leo lagna with Saturn in Gemini in 11th__ 2 cases Libra lagna with Saturn in Leo in 11th__1 case Aquarius lagna with Saturn__ 2 cases Capricorn lagna with Saturn in Leo.
I could collect the limited datas from my friends and my clients and after analysis of all these charts it was clearly found that Saturn play the big role to create limitations in our day to day life and creates one kind of limitations and restrictions in our movements, IF... SATURN happens in the LAGNA or 11th house, since Saturn himself is lord of legs ( Capricorn and Aquarius )
Ashwin Rawal 16.09.2018
यह रिसर्च हमारे ज्योतिषी आश्विन रावल जी है. जो सशुल्क आपकी समस्या का समाधान कुंडली देखकर करते हैं. शादी, नौकरी, परिवारिक समस्या आदि परेशानियों का जबाब यह आपको दिन महीने और वर्ष के साथ समस्या का हल करके बताते हैं.  उनको ज्योतिष का ४० वर्षों से ज्यादा अनुभव हैं. आप उनसे ऊपर दिए गये नम्बर पर whatsApp करके सशुल्क परामर्श ले सकते हैं.  इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें.  यह मेटर कॉपीराइट है आश्विन रावल जी का.

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