यह लेख विश्वजीत बब्बल वैदिक काउंसलर के फेसबुक पोस्ट से लिया गया है. वे वास्तु और ज्योतिष की बहुत अच्छी जानकारी रखते हैं. उन्होंने अपनी जानकारी के आधार पर कई लोगों के परेशानिया दूर की है. यह अपने अनुभव को भी समय समय पर लोगों से शेयर करते हैं. आप इनसे सशुल्क परामर्श ले. सकते हैं. आप उनसे फेसबुक के द्वारा सम्पर्क कर सकते हैं. इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें.
PROFESSION and Planets ~ 1
I am giving below professions connected with different planets. The profession of a native may be connected with the planet in the tenth house, eleventh house, ascendant, the tenth lord or the strongest planet in a horoscope. The planet in the dashamsha ascendant or lord of the house occupied by 10th lord in the dashamsha chart also indicates the profession of a native.
SUN: Sun indicates government service, bureaucrats, bankers, presidents, politicians, investment bankers, jewelers, theater owners, doctors if under Jupiter’s influence. CEO’s of large organizations etc.
PROFESSION and Planets ~ 2
I am giving below professions connected with different planets. The profession of a native may be connected with the planet in the tenth house, eleventh house, ascendant, the tenth lord or the strongest planet in a horoscope. The planet in the dashamsha ascendant or lord of the house occupied by 10th lord in the dashamsha chart also indicates the profession of a native.
MOON: Naval officers, liquids, chemical related professions, dairy owners, midwives, traders in pearls and white items, laundry business, shipping magnates, merchant navy, doctors if aspected by Jupiter, trader or dealer in petrol, oil, salt, milk, vegetables etc.
Note: The readers should note that if both the luminaries are under influence of Jupiter, the native may be a doctor of medicine.
PROFESSION ~ Planets ~ 3
I am giving below professions connected with different planets. The profession of a native may be connected with the planet in the tenth house, eleventh house, ascendant, the tenth lord or the strongest planet in a horoscope. The planet in the dashamsha ascendant or lord of the house occupied by 10th lord in the dashamsha chart also indicates the profession of a native.
MARS: Military, defense and police officials, firemen, metal workers, arms manufacturers, assayers, butchers, iron and steel workers, security guards, stone quarry workers, mechanics, engineers, wrestlers, dealer in items made by fire, dictators, dentists, surgeons etc
PROFESSION ~ Planets ~ 4
I am giving below professions connected with different planets. The profession of a native may be connected with the planet in the tenth house, eleventh house, ascendant, the tenth lord or the strongest planet in a horoscope. The planet in the dashamsha ascendant or lord of the house occupied by 10th lord in the dashamsha chart also indicates the profession of a native.
Mercury: Astrologers, writers, authors, journalists, computer experts, communication, intellectuals, transportation, accountants, book keepers, creators, teachings, translators, stenographers, stationers, printers, publishers, radio announcers, telephone operators, diplomats, dietitians, salesmen, insurance agents, comedians etc.
PROFESSION ~ Planets ~ 5
I am giving below professions connected with different planets. The profession of a native may be connected with the planet in the tenth house, eleventh house, ascendant, the tenth lord or the strongest planet in a horoscope. The planet in the dashamsha ascendant or lord of the house occupied by 10th lord in the dashamsha chart also indicates the profession of a native.
Jupiter: Lawyers, judges, astrologers, priests, preachers, bankers, financial experts, investment bankers, income from foreign connections, editors, journalists, research workers, auditing, publishers, advertising agents, woolen merchants, capitalists, shoe manufacturers, jockeys, horse related professions, clergy men etc.
PROFESSION ~ Planets ~ 6
I am giving below professions connected with different planets. The profession of a native may be connected with the planet in the tenth house, eleventh house, ascendant, the tenth lord or the strongest planet in a horoscope. The planet in the dashamsha ascendant or lord of the house occupied by 10th lord in the dashamsha chart also indicates the profession of a native.
Venus: Beauticians, artists, singers, musicians, traders if jewelry, diamonds, poets, cosmeticians, fashion designers, interior decorators, professions connected with hotels, amusement and entertainment industries, painters, photographers, prostitutes, maids, furniture manufacturers, perfume manufacturers, book keepers etc.
PROFESSION ~ Planets ~ 8
I am giving below professions connected with different planets. The profession of a native may be connected with the planet in the tenth house, eleventh house, ascendant, the tenth lord or the strongest planet in a horoscope. The planet in the dashamsha ascendant or lord of the house occupied by 10th lord in the dashamsha chart also indicates the profession of a native.
Rahu: Engineers, professions connected with electricity, working under foreigners etc. If connected with Moon the nodes can produce a criminal. Rahu also signifies dealers in poison, drugs etc. The native can also be a Jailer. It is also similar to Saturn.
PROFESSION ~ Planets ~ 9
I am giving below professions connected with different planets. The profession of a native may be connected with the planet in the tenth house, eleventh house, ascendant, the tenth lord or the strongest planet in a horoscope. The planet in the dashamsha ascendant or lord of the house occupied by 10th lord in the dashamsha chart also indicates the profession of a native.
Ketu: Ketu makes a native occultists, religious head, translators etc. If connected with second house or Mercury, the native will know many languages. It also gives professions similar to that of Mars.
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