मंगलवार, 25 सितंबर 2018

UNDERSTANDING श्राद्ध पक्ष

Sun enters Cancer sign on or around 15th July and दक्षिणायन starts. There are 7 लोक towards south which are activated by Sun in दक्षिणायन. They are अातल लोक , वितल लोक , सुतल लोक , रसातल लोक , तलातल लोक , महातल लोक and पाताल लोक towards south. सुतल is under Virgo Sign and रसातल is under Libra Sign where Sun loses his energy and becomes debilitated. सुतल and रसातल is also called as प्रेत लोक.

Now when Sun touches these लोक , प्रेतलोक is activated or awakened. श्राद्ध पक्ष comes under this time frame when Sun enters Virgo and goes towards Libra.

Now let us divert the topic towards Moon. When we speak Moon, it doesn't mean the Moon planet that we see in the sky. This is about the Moon sphere or Astral world of Moon that we can't see through our naked eyes or through any technology of Scientists. This Moon sphere is divided into 16 parts or arcs in the Universe. Each part is called कला so Moon has 16 कला. Each कला is connected with तिथि in the Hindu Calendar. All प्रेत or मृतात्मा or Astral bodies are dwelling in these कला as per their तिथि of death. Suppose a person is died on 5th तिथि or पंचमी of any month, then he will be allotted 5th कला till his next birth. The कला or space in the Moon sphere has also various levels as per Karmas of the Astral body in his last birth. Good souls will be at very higher levels from the earth and bad karmas will push the soul to very lower levels near the earth. This is a vast subject and we will not elaborate here.

One more thing I would explain here. From Sunrise to exact mid day, Rahu is the in charge of this time frame and from Mid day to Sunset, Ketu is the in charge. Again from Sunset to Mid night Rahu is the in charge and from Mid night to Sunrise, Ketu is the in charge. This Rahu Ketu joining time is full of energy and Godly souls have taken birth at 12 am midnight or 12 pm midday. May be Lord Rama, Lord Krishna or जैन तीर्थंकर . Divine and magnetic atmosphere is created at this moment.

When Sun enters Virgo, He awakens the Moon's sphere through his divine light for 16 days and during this 16 days, daily 1 separate Divine Ray from Moon called श्रद्धा comes to the earth and souls or जीवात्मा staying in that कला are released to come down to the earth.

For example, on पूर्णिमा and प्रथमा तिथि of श्राद्ध पक्ष , first कला is opened and souls dwelling in first कला are coming to earth and goes to their homes or relatives in the light of divine श्रद्धा किरण at Mid day (मध्ध्याहन समय ) around 12 pm to 12.30 pm when Rahu time is over and Ketu time starts. On द्वितीया तिथि 2nd कला is opened and so on....

The departed souls visit their homes and see the relatives and also accepts the food donated to them on श्राद्ध तिथि. If the soul has taken birth, the person may be in any योनि, gets the food of his choice on that day.

If you do not perform श्राद्ध and feed to Brahmin or cow or dog or crow on the तिथि of your close relatives, they returns back without food and curses you. So we must perform श्राद्ध on the तिथि of our close relatives and pray for peace to the souls and also do विष्णु सहस्र नाम स्तोत्र and dedicate to them if possible.

Much has been written in our शाश्त्र and गरुड़ पुराण but now a days people do not know the reality of श्राद्ध पक्ष .  Ashwin Rawal 22.09.2018

यह रिसर्च हमारे ज्योतिषी आश्विन रावल जी है. जो सशुल्क आपकी समस्या का समाधान कुंडली देखकर करते हैं. शादी, नौकरी, परिवारिक समस्या आदि परेशानियों का जबाब यह आपको दिन महीने और वर्ष के साथ समस्या का हल करके बताते हैं.  उनको ज्योतिष का ४० वर्षों से ज्यादा अनुभव हैं. आप उनसे ऊपर दिए गये नम्बर पर whatsApp करके सशुल्क परामर्श ले सकते हैं.  इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें.  यह मेटर कॉपीराइट है आश्विन रावल जी का.

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