यह रिसर्च हमारे ज्योतिषी आश्विन रावल जी है. जो सशुल्क आपकी समस्या का समाधान कुंडली देखकर करते हैं. शादी, नौकरी, परिवारिक समस्या आदि परेशानियों का जबाब यह आपको दिन महीने और वर्ष के साथ समस्या का हल करके बताते हैं. उनको ज्योतिष का ४० वर्षों से ज्यादा अनुभव हैं. आप उनसे ऊपर दिए गये नम्बर पर whatsApp करके सशुल्क परामर्श ले सकते हैं. इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें. यह मेटर कॉपीराइट है आश्विन रावल जी का.
Today we will discuss about 64th (khar) navamansha. Much has been written about this navamansha. Why only 64th navamansha ? Why it is so important ?
See death is the most important event in everybody's life. All are afraid of death. Now 64th navamansha has much concern with death, shock, fear, unpleasant event in one's life. Death inflicting negative energy is stored within this navamansha. 64th navamansha is an arc of 3°-20' in the 8th house. Maximum negative energy is stored in this 3°-20' area of the 8th house. 64th navamansha is fully controlled by Saturn.
See first house is the first breath on this earth so Ascendant or Lagna is connected with breathing of life, heart beats of life, liveliness. Life force is stored in the first house. Our health, Growth and strength of the body, stamina etc are decided by Lagna or first house. It is the energy house. It is also the entry of the soul in the body.
Moon has much concern with our happiness, status of mind, peace, interaction with the world and like. So Moon lagna is also equally important.
(For example suppose someone has won the lottery of 1 crore at 1pm as per his birth chart. But he comes to know this result at 10 pm. So he is enjoying the result with great excitement only at 10pm despite the fact that he won it before 9 hours.) So mind is the main source of feeling, experiencing any event in life.
64th navamansha is the end of first house matters, end of Moon connected matters. So loss of energy, loss of life force, loss of peace, loss of health, loss of freedom, exit of soul are under this navamansha.
64th navamansha is to be reckoned from Ascendant and from Moon both. How to calculate ? Simple. 2 methods of calculation.
First method # See the Ascendant degree. Total 9 navamansha in one Sign. Each of 3°-20' arc. Now in which navamansha this degree falls ? First, second, third or nineth ? (For example if Ascendant is 7 degree then it will be third navamansha ) So now focus on 8th house. Third navamansha in the 8th Sign will be 64th navamansha.
Second method # What is the Lagna or Ascendant navamansha ? Fourth navamansha from it is 64th navamansha. If Leo or Simha navamansha is rising at birth time then Scorpio navamansha in the 8th will be 64th navamansha. This is easy method to count.
Now how to use this navamansha in transit ? For this we have to focus on the transit of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu from Lagna and Moon both. Whenever any of these three malefic planets is transiting through 8th house and particularly passing through 64th navamansha something unpleasant or shocking event will happen.
This may include death of self when death is near, critical health, accident, injury to the body, imprisonment, suspension if Sun is afflicted that time, defame, death of near or dear relatives, critical health of relative, some shocking news and like.
But these slow moving planets are staying in 64th navamansha for a long period then how to go precise ? When Sun or Mars also transits this 64th navamansha in 8th house or same navamansha in 4th house or same navamansha in 12th house, the above mentioned incident is happened
We have understood the effect of 64th navamsha from Moon and from Lagna.
A malefic planet like Saturn Rahu and Ketu when transiting through 64th navamsha in 8th house from Moon and Lagna, Something negative is happening. May be a death of self or close relative, accident, hospitalison, imprisonment, suspension, defame, health crisis or any kind of shock !
Not only the transit but the sign lord of 64th navamansha both from Moon and Lagna becomes malefic planet when its antardasha or pratyantar dasha is running. This pratyantar dasha or sub sub period is also becomes negative. Suppose Virgo or Gemini is the 64th navamansha then Mercury will act negative role in its antardasha or pratyantar dasha.
It is also written that when death comes, it happens when the sign of 64th navamansha is rising in the east. Suppose if Virgo is the 64th navamansha then at the time of death Virgo lagna will be running.
Sometimes 2nd or 7th house sign from Ascendant is also working as death lagna. Suppose Capricorn is the Ascendant then Aquarius or Cancer lagna is also rising at the time of death. !
But this we have to see when somebody is at critical stage. Without studying the life span or longivity we should not predict the death ! This 64th navamansha transit knowledge is only to watch the bad time in advance and to be careful !!!
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