सोमवार, 16 जुलाई 2018

WHO WOULD BE MY LIFE PARTNER ? कौन होगा आपका जीवन साथी

जब हम युवा अवस्था में कदम रखते हैं तो उस समय मन में बहुत कुछ चलता है. विपरीत लिंगी के प्रति आकर्षण भी ज्यादा होता है. कई लोग ख्यालों में खोए रहते हैं की उनका जो पाट्नर होगा हो कैसा होगा. उसके साथ हमारा जीवन कैसे चलेगा. आज इस प्रश्न का उत्तर लेकर आये है आश्विन रावल जी. जिन्होंने अपनी रिसर्च के माध्यम से इस सवाल का जबाब दिया है.

यह रिसर्च हमारे ज्योतिषी आश्विन रावल जी है. जो सशुल्क आपकी समस्या का समाधान कुंडली देखकर करते हैं. शादी, नौकरी, परिवारिक समस्या आदि परेशानियों का जबाब यह आपको दिन महीने और वर्ष के साथ समस्या का हल करके बताते हैं.  उनको ज्योतिष का ४० वर्षों से ज्यादा अनुभव हैं. आप उनसे ऊपर दिए गये नम्बर पर whatsApp करके सशुल्क परामर्श ले सकते हैं.  इस सेवा का लाभ जरुर लें.  यह मेटर कॉपीराइट है आश्विन रावल जी का.

All people are curious and interested to know about their would be spouse when they cross18. There are certain rules to know the look, the nature and direction of the life partner. But nothing is available what will be her name and Lagna.

Today we will know about the LAGNA and the MOON SIGN of the would be spouse. I have worked on this subject for many years and found out certain amazing rules. I would rather say that these rules are out of my observations only and I have never read these in any book or any scriptures.

We have to see the Lagna Sign and 7th Sign. Note down the lords of these 2 houses.

Lagna and Moon Sign of the spouse or life partner would be from the exalted or debilitated Signs of these 2 planets.

Suppose you are born in Capricorn Lagna. So 7th from Capricorn is Cancer. Now lord of Lagna is Saturn and lord of 7th house is Moon. Exalted and debilitated Sign of Saturn is Libra and Aries and of Moon is Taurus and Scorpio. Thats it. Simple. Lagna and Moon Sign of your spouse will be amongst these 4 Signs.

This Lagna formula is working in 60 percent cases. Whereas in 30 percent cases Moon Lagna seems to be working.

In rest 10 percent cases I observed that Navamsha chart is working. See the lord of Ascendant and lord of 7th house in Navamsha chart. The Navamsha Sign of Lagna lord or 7th house lord becomes the Lagna or Moon Sign of the spouse.

In view of the above rules we will prepare a table for ready reference.
If LAGNA or MOON Sign is **

ARIES (Spouse Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo or Pisces Lagna or Moon Sign)

TAURUS (Spouse Virgo, Pisces, Cancer or Capricorn Lagna or Moon)

GEMINI (Spouse Virgo, Pisces, Cancer or Capricorn Lagna or Moon)

CANCER (Spouse TaurusScorpio, Aries or Libra Lagna or Moon Sign)

LEO ( Spouse Aries or Libra Lagna or Moon Sign)

VIRGO ( Spouse Virgo, Pisces, Cancer or Capricorn Lagna or Moon)

LIBRA ( Spouse Virgo, Pisces, Cancer or Capricorn Lagna or Moon)

SCORPIO (Spouse Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo or Pisces Lagna/ Moon)

SAGITTARIUS(Spouse Cancer Capricorn, Virgo or Pisces Lagna/Moon)

CAPRICORN(Spouse Aries, Libra, Taurus or Scorpio Lagna or Moon)

AQUARIUS ( Spouse Aries or Libra Lagna or Moon Sign.)

PISCES ( Spouse Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo or Pisces Lagna/Moon)

In most of the cases I have seen that Lagna and Moon Sign both are within these 4 Signs. Sometime either Lagna or Moon Sign is within these 4 Signs.

In rare cases Navamsha Sign of Lagna lord or 7th lord as explained above would be Lagna or Moon Sign of the spouse.

Few examples
1. Capricorn Ascendant. ( Wife is Scorpio Lagna and Scorpio Moon )
2. Leo Ascendant and lord of Lagna Sun in Pisces Navamsha ( wife is Pisces Lagna and Libra Moon )
3. Scorpio Lagna ( Husband is Capricorn Lagna )
4. Libra Lagna. 7th lord Mars in Aquarius navamsha ( Wife is Capricorn Lagna Aquarius Moon Sign )
5. Pisces Lagna with Lagna lord in Libra and 7th lord in Leo navamsha ( Husband Leo Lagna, Libra Moon )
6. Leo Lagna Virgo Moon ( Husband Capricorn Lagna Aries Moon )
7. Aries Moon ( wife is Virgo Moon )
8. Sagittarius Lagna and Lagna lord Jupiter in Aquarius navamsha. ( Wife is Aquarius Lagna and Pisces Moon )

I hope above examples are adequate to understand the principles shown by me. By knowing this you can know the tentative Lagna and Moon Sign of would be life partner. This will also help to select a girl or boy when more proposals are there before you for marriage.

First time I am disclosing this secret and lot of hard work and research I have done to find out such precious clues.
ASHWIN RAWAL 17.07.2018 Sankranti

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